Nuvecta™, VFR-Series™, Treeline North America™, Landscapes North America™, The Airfield Collection™, Flights of Fantasy™, and RepoX!™ are trademarks of nuvecta llc
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The world is full of zones of conflict and tension. To help understand the geography of this in your flight simulator, nuvecta has created a series of add-ons covering the most important regions of the world where there is conflict of the potential for conflict. Flashpoints adds detail for you to fly in these areas in ways not previously possible with your simulator. It adds airfields or ensures their correction location and precise alignment with the real world. It improves other scenery by enhancing towns, villages, hamlets, streams, roads, railways, and coastlines. Vector scenery, land class, and certain water class areas are delivered in extra detail. It some cases it adds precisely located buildings or trees. There are also a few “Easter Eggs” for you to discover and add to the experience!
The first areas released are very topical. North Korea and the South China Sea appear in the media on a daily basis. The Flashpoints edition help lay out the areas for you in detail. Added are numerous airfields missing from FSX and P3D. Some airfields are located more precisely but not many because most of the relevant airfields did not exist or were unknown with certainty when the simulators were first released.